30 Mar 2018

Using FontAwesome 5 in QML

FontAwesome is a set of icon fonts making it easy to beef up your user interfaces. It is mostly used in web applications (aka HTML/CSS), however, leveraging it to your Qt applications is not difficult either.

First, download the latest Desktop release from their website. You unzip it and find the contained *.otf files in otfs folder. You should have the following files there:

  • Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf
  • Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf
  • Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf

Copy these into your application’s source directory.

Note: Make sure you use a recent version of FontAwesome 5. Earlier releases had an issue which prevented you to use both the solid and regular variants. This issue is meanwhile gone for the OTF files. Also, you still will encounter the issue when using the TTF files, but as Qt/QML can deal with both, just make sure you pick the OTF version from the Desktop release.

In QML, we can now easily access these fonts by writing a (singleton) component which makes them available:

// Fonts.qml

pragma Singleton

import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    id: fonts

    readonly property FontLoader fontAwesomeRegular: FontLoader {
        source: "./Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf"
    readonly property FontLoader fontAwesomeSolid: FontLoader {
        source: "./Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf"
    readonly property FontLoader fontAwesomeBrands: FontLoader {
        source: "./Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf"

    readonly property string icons: fonts.fontAwesomeRegular.name
    readonly property string brands: fonts.fontAwesomeBrands.name

For the singleton to work, you must create a qmldir file next to it as well:

// qmldir
singleton Fonts 1.0 Fonts.qml

With this, you should be able to display some icons using e.g. a ToolButton:

// FontAwesomeToolButton.qml

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2

// This must point to the directory where you placed
// the 'Fonts.qml' file. If all your sources are in the
// same directory, this can be '.' as well.
import "../path/to/Fonts"

ToolButton {
    id: button

    property alias symbol: button.text

    // This can be set to either Fonts.icons or Fonts.brands
    // to switch between the two icon sets.
    font.family: Fonts.solidIcons

    // This controls the style of the regular icons which is
    // used. The default value (Regular) will map to the regular
    // icon set. Use either Font.Bold or Font.Light to switch
    // to the other styles.
    font.weight: Font.Regular

And finally we can use our tool button implementation:

// demo.qml

import QtQuick 2.9

// Adjust the paths accordingly. The latter import is where
// our tool button implementation is stored:
import "./path/to/Fonts"
import "./path/to/Components"

Grid {
    columns: 3

    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf2bb"
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf556"
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf35b"
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf2bb"
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf556"
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf35b"
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf270"
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf294"
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: "\uf268"

Run this e.g. via qmlscene:

qmlscene ./demo.qml

You should get something like this: FontAwesome Tool Buttons

While this approach works, you will have notices one bad thing: In order to select which icon to display, we inserted the unicode character codes as label names. You can get them easily from the FontAwesome Gallery, however, after inserting into the QML source code you do not quickly see which icon a code refers to. In HTML, you would use something like

<i class="fas fa-anchor"></i>
<i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i>
<i class="fas fa-asterisk"></i>

which is far more readable. To achieve something similar in QML, we can extract some meta information from the FontAwesome download package and generate another QML component from that one.

First, create a file fa_iconsjson2qml.py and put the following content in it:

#!/bin/env python3

Convert FontAwesome's `icons.json` to QML.

This script creates a QML component which defines
constants for all FontAwesome icons listed in the file
`icons.json` in the FontAwesome package.

import sys

def _dash2cap(name):
        while True:
            idx = name.index("-")
            pre = name[0:idx]
            suf = name[idx + 2:]
            cap = name[idx + 1:idx + 2].capitalize()
            name = pre + cap + suf
    except ValueError:
    return name

def _main(argv):
    import json
    if len(argv) != 3:
        msg = "    {} path/to/icons.json path/to/Icons.qml"
        msg = msg.format(argv[0])
    with open(argv[1], "r") as file:
        icons = json.load(file)
    lines = []
    lines.append("pragma Singleton")
    lines.append("import QtQuick 2.0")
    lines.append("QtObject {")
    prop = '    readonly property string {}: "{}"'
    for key in icons:
        name = "fa-" + key
        name = _dash2cap(name)
        code = "\\u" + icons[key]["unicode"]
        line = prop.format(name, code)
    with open(argv[2], "w") as file:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Make the file executable and call it on the file icons.json which is contained in the FontAwesome zip:

chmod +x ./fa_iconsjson2qml.py
./fa_iconsjson2qml.py \
    ./path/to/FontAwesome/metadata/icons.json \

This script basically extracts the available icons from the JSON file and creates another QML singleton component which looks like this:

pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.0

QtObject {
    readonly property string fa500px: "\uf26e"
    readonly property string faAccessibleIcon: "\uf368"
    readonly property string faAccusoft: "\uf369"
    readonly property string faAddressBook: "\uf2b9"
    readonly property string faAddressCard: "\uf2bb"
    // several hundred similar lines following...

Ideally, put the file next to the Fonts.qml file and edit the qmldir file to look like this:

singleton Icons 1.0 Icons.qml
singleton Fonts 1.0 Fonts.qml

Now, you can modify the demo from above to:

// demo.qml

import QtQuick 2.9

// Adjust the paths accordingly. The latter import is where
// our tool button implementation is stored:
import "./path/to/Fonts"
import "./path/to/Components"

Grid {
    columns: 3

    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faAddressCard
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faAngry
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faArrowAltCircleUp
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faAddressCard
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faAngry
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faArrowAltCircleUp
        font.weight: Font.Bold
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faAmazon
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faBluetoothB
    FontAwesomeToolButton {
        symbol: Icons.faChrome

… which is way more readable.

Thank You For Reading
Martin Hoeher

I am a software/firmware developer, working in Dresden, Germany. In my free time, I spent some time on developing apps, presenting some interesting findings here in my blog.



Hello Martin, Thanks for the write up, this is exactly what I was looking for. Trouble is, no matter how many times I review this I can’t seem to understand why I get this when I run:

QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qrc:/Fonts.qml:15:57: QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: “qrc:/Font Awesome 5 Brands-Regular-400.otf” qrc:/Fonts.qml:12:56: QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: “qrc:/Font Awesome 5 Free-Solid-900.otf” qrc:/Fonts.qml:9:58: QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: “qrc:/Font Awesome 5 Free-Regular-400.otf”

The otf files are in the same directory as the qml. QT creator is aware of the files because I see them in “code completion” popup. Using QT Creator 4.9.0 (QT 5.12.2) on windows. Any ideas why, other than file location, I might get this error? Any ideas how to further diagnose?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Andrei

Martin Hoeher

Hi Andrei,

I don’t know how your app is set up, but from the error messages, I would guess that you are embedding your resources (QML+other files) in the executable via Qt’s resource system (i.e. using *.qrc files). Maybe you have added only the QML files to the *.qrc file but not the font files?

To verify this, you could add the following somewhere in your C++ code:

#include "QDir"
#include "QDebug"

// Somewhere else, e.g. in main():
QDir dir(":/");
for (auto entry : dir.entryList()) {
    qWarning() << "Found entry in resources:" << entry;

This should print a list of all files and folders present in the resources of your app. Check if everything is there you’d expect.

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